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Submissions of video content (anything time-based or linear) can be entered by providing a link (from YouTube, for example) that must be PUBLIC with no password required. Non-video content must be a Word Doc, and PDF document, or a JPEG image which can be uploaded to the Entry Form. You can have a combination of these, and you can upload multiple files, but only in these three formats.

If you are a Mac user, end the file names with a “.doc”. “pdf” or ‘.jpg”. Its redundant on a Mac (where the first 4 bytes of the files specify the file type, but in the internet world file servers and users on PCs need a clear indication of file type

And it’s highly recommended if you are submitting an animation or video, that you append your script (so we can quickly see the word count limits are observed), and your bibliography (so we can assess your sources, and judge any possible plagiarism issues). And if you are submitting a work of art, to include a document with your design notes and inspirations, and describe the techniques used in its creations, so the judges can better assess your work.

What If I am creating in other formats? How do I submit my entry?

We had some interesting experiences over the years. We’ll summarize the most common issues here.

  • If you are using Google Docs, Slides, or Images, your documents are on the cloud, and require your Google login to access them. That is not acceptable, since we cannot disclose our judges’ names, emails and/or passwords to those entering our Contest. The second problem is because Google docs are on the cloud, they can be modified after the links are submitted in your entry, giving students submitting Google links an unfair advantage of submitting/finalizing files after the entry deadline. Google makes it easy to Save As in a format we can upload and share over the Internet. That takes your document off the cloud and creates a separate file that you can upload to the Entry Form
  • What If I am using an animation tool/app to create my video (we had some students in use AniMaker, and in a prior year we had students create a presentation in PowerPoint). There are MANY programs for creating video or animations, some are apps on your computer, or o your phone, and some are cloud-based “software as a service” that might have a free version, and some require a fee to export the finished product in a shareable/viewable format.For example, in PowerPoint you can create a carefully timed presentation with animation. We recommend you export it to a video format (AVI, MOV, or MPEG) and then add the audio track and resave it, and then upload to YouTube. And if you are using Google Slides, export to PowerPoint or direct to a Video format, and then add the audio track, re-save it, and upload it to YouTube.

If you are using a cloud-based service like AniMaker, you can create an animation or video for free, but can only export 2 minutes for free (this was the setting in 2023). In that case you have two options: upgrade to the paid version (in Animaker’s case $19 for a 1 month) and export the longer video, or divide the animation into two 2-minute sections and export them for free and use video editing software to stitch the two videos together. There are plenty of free tools to do that (we found some that can do that on aa smartphone). Or if several students in  a class are using a software tool like AniMaker, then have the students share each of their videos to the teacher, and have the teacher buy 1 licence for just 1 month, and open the animations and export them into a YouTube-uploadable video format.

What if these don’t apply to me?

Our webmaster is quite experienced with a wide range of software packages and tools and will work with teachers to find a suitable migration path so every entry has an opportunity to be viewed and judged.

Inquiries may be posted to the webmaster using our Contact Us form.

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