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The Fields of Fame are groupings of structural steel, architecturally designed which are placed at prominent locations throughout the city to commemorate the accomplishments of those Albertans who have made a lasting contribution to Alberta.

Each Field of Fame includes six steel “sheaves of wheat”, thirteen feet high, symbolic of the prairies and the farm and ranching culture that formed the early backbone of the Alberta economy.

Each sheaf of wheat includes a brief history on the individual being honoured, with a photograph and wording designed to highlight the import and significant contribution made by the particular individual to the fabric of the Alberta province and community.

They will be artistic monuments of the quality befitting the opportunity to honour these citizens who were so important to Alberta ’s past. The Fields of Fame will preserve Alberta’s history, making it accessible to the average Albertan in numerous locations around the province. They will also serve as an inspiration to our youth as they too look to make their own unique contribution to our community in the future.



Maps of Fields of Fame around Calgary

The Fields of Fame are groupings of structural steel, architecturally designed which are placed at prominent locations throughout the city to commemorate the accomplishments of those Calgarians who have made a lasting contribution to Calgary.

Each Field of Fame includes six steel “sheaves of wheat”, thirteen feet high, symbolic of the prairies and the farm and ranching culture that formed the early backbone of the Calgary area.

Each sheaf of wheat includes a brief history on the individual being honoured, with a photograph and wording designed to highlight the import and significant contribution made by the particular individual to the fabric of the Calgary community.

They will be artistic monuments of the quality befitting the opportunity to honour these citizens who were so important to Calgary’s past. The Fields of Fame will preserve Calgary’s history, making it accessible to the average Calgarian in numerous locations around the city. They will also serve as an inspiration to our youth as they too look to make their own unique contribution to our community in the future.



Maps of Fields of Fame around Calgary

Use the “+” button to zoom in and see the more detailed location map for the three Fields of Fame in Calgary’s downtown core.

Fields of Fame Locations

Field of Fame #1:  Jamieson Place, Plus 15 level of 308 – 4th Avenue SW, Calgary

Field of Fame #2: Harley Hotchkiss Park, at the Court of Queen’s Bench Parkade beside the 3rd Street LRT Platform, Calgary

Field of Fame #3: Centrium Place, 332 – 6th Avenue SW, Calgary

Field of Fame #4: McDougall Centre, at the corner of 5th Avenue and 7th Street SW, Calgary

Field of Fame #5: Heritage Park, 1900 Heritage Dr SW, Calgary

Field of Fame #6: Spruce Meadows, 18011 Spruce Meadows Way SW, Calgary

Field of Fame #7: Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Provincial Park, Calgary

Field of Fame #8: Winsport, Canada Olympic Park, 88 Canada Olympic Rd SW, Calgary

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