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Stats on the 2023 Student Contest Entries

In 2022, we broadened the entries (and champions list) to cover the entire province of Alberta, and began to not only connect with school districts across the province, but also undertook a Facebook ad campaign to broaden awareness among both teachers and parents. We continued promoting the 2023 Student Contest in the same manner, and  consider the campaign successful so far:


Here is a breakdown of entries for different school districts and location:

2023 Entries by Region

Here is a breakdown of entries for different students:

2023 Entries by Grade
2023 Entries by Gender

40% of entreis received were in the Grade 4-6 division, and 60% were in the garades 7-9 division.
Our judges do not know ANY of tne above details when evaluating and judging the entries. You can see the winners as the judges evaluated them in our Winners List.

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